Swim Blog

Welcome to Swimmer Reborn powered by Swim Smooth!

Welcome to Swimmer Reborn powered by Swim Smooth!

Just wanted to drop you a short message to welcome you to my swim coaching website.  This is place that I put 20 years + of swim coaching to good use so hope I can help you in some way. Swim coaching has been passion of mine for the past 20 years and I simply love...

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The power of swim video analysis

I'll never forget the first time I saw some video footage of me swimming underwater, to say I was shocked would-be understatement. I didn’t believe it was me and thought they had mistakenly showed me another swimmers footage! That weird...

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Coach blog: How to unlock your catch & pull

Coach blog: How to unlock your catch & pull

If there is one technical element that is consistent right across the board with many of the world’s best swimmers, it's good alignment. This is in stark contrast to how many of them look in the water. Technique even the highest of levels can look so different. Some...

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HRV, RHR & Training fatigue indicators

HRV, RHR & Training fatigue indicators

The most important battle I face as a Coach daily is trying to help athletes make better training decisions. It's a battle that will never be fully won and will be ongoing for the rest of my years as a Coach. This is because we are all human and that means we all make...

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Coaching brilliance in Barcelona

Coaching brilliance in Barcelona

The date was the 22nd of July, the year was 2013, the venue was the Swimming World Championships in Barcelona. I was about to witness some of the best swimmers in the world going head-to-head. More importantly I was about to watch one of the most important...

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Are you suffering from I.A.S ?

Are you suffering from I.A.S ?

I.A.S = Inhibitory Analytical Syndrome  Sounds nasty doesn't it? You might even be sitting there reading this not know you are suffering from it. It is the scourge of the swimming world and left un-diagnosed it can lead to much suffering and mental anguish. It's a...

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Finding your ‘feel for the water’ 

Finding your ‘feel for the water’ 

The holy grail of swimming? Perhaps. One thing is for sure the words 'feel for the water' can be a mystery to many swimmers. Some swimmers have it in abundance, other swimmers experience it fleetingly. One moment it's there and the next it's gone. Some days are good...

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Bilateral or single side breathing?

Bilateral or single side breathing?

I think I can sum up breathing after 20 years of coaching poolside: Most swimmers at all levels prefer to breath to one side (unilateral) A smaller percentage like to breath to both sides (bilateral) Some swimmers like to mix it up  This continues to be a highly...

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